Open Door Preschool provides a positive, nurturing environment for a child’s total growth. Art, music, dramatic play, story time, large and small motor activities as well as social interactions in a play setting are all a part of the developmentally appropriate program at Open Door. We encourage effective interaction providing opportunities for emotional, physical, cognitive and social growth. The staff at Open Door seeks to nurture self-esteem and to develop healthy attitudes toward self, others and school. At Open Door Preschool, children are free to be children. Activities and equipment are designed especially for them. Open Door is currently exploring the use of The Creative Curriculum which will allow us to continue to implement a curriculum that is based on the children’s interests and needs. This curriculum will allow us to focuses on ”purposeful play” based on principals supported by (among others) Vygotsky and Dewey.
Open Door works in partnership with the Biology Department at St Olaf College. Children from Open Door visit the St Olaf Prairie/wetlands three times a year to observe the seasonal changes under the guidance of selected students from the Biology Department. In addition to the prairie/wetland experience, the St Olaf students bring environmental activities and visual aids to the Open Door classroom on a monthly basis. This is an innovative, exciting program which helps develop and promote environmental awareness.