See what kids and parents are saying about Open Door Preschool in Northfield.

“I love preschool! I love the science experiments! I like the books that you read.”

ED, Student, December 2021

“Thank you for a wonderful school year. I really loved coming to Open Door Preschool and seeing my friends and teachers. I can’t wait to come back next fall.”

Calvin V, Student, 2022

“Thank you for the wonderful year at Open Door! We are so grateful [our child] has such caring teachers and mentors in his life. I have been so impressed by the thoughtful and inclusive curriculum you are implementing. I can’t even begin to explain what a positive impact the teachers at ODP have had on [our child] and our family.”

Parent, December 2021

“Thank you for your tireless drive to help every kiddo grow to their full potential while in your classroom. Thank you for laying the incredible foundational school groundwork [our child] needs for kindergarten next year. Thanks for loving our spunky girl and helping her find her way in this big wide world.”

Parent, May 2022

“Thank you so much for River’s wonderful year at Open Door! We picked this preschool as first-timers, not having any idea what to expect, and are so impressed with the experience we had at ODP!”

Kaylin F, Parent, May 2022